Where the Journey of Recovery Begins

Welcome to Western Pacific Med Corp where our mission is to provide evidence based narcotic treatment services to any eligible person seeking them. These services shall be provided in a cost effective, high quality, humane, culturally sensitive, and non-discriminatory manner. By providing these services the community will be enriched with an increased level of public health, a decrease in criminal activity and a safer more enjoyable place to live.

Pharmacy Logo - Medical Treatment For Drug Addiction

Medication-Assisted Treatment - The combination of counseling and either methadone or buprenorphine is widely recognized as the optimal treatment for opioid addiction.

Chair Logo - Counseling Treatment For Drug Addiction

Substance Use Disorder Counseling - In the comprehensive treatment plan for opioid use disorder, Substance Use Disorder Counseling plays a crucial role.

Accredited by COA - The accreditation process provides a framework for our organization to continuously improve and offer evidence-based best practices that support our patients and our community.

Clinic Locations

Our Services

Services & Benefits




The web links below will provide you more information on behavioral treatment, alcohol and drug programs, narcotic treatment, health services, worldwide methadone facilities and our business process service selection. Please feel free to email us with any additional services that can be added to this page and check back often, as we intend on adding more service links as they are determined to be valuable resources.

Western Pacific Med Corp

4544 San Fernando Rd, Suite 202 Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 956-3737

(800) 223-3869

Partially Funded By

State of California

County of Los Angeles
County of Orange
County of Ventura
*Made possible through funding from Ventura County Behavioral Health Department, Substance ISE Services Division.